[Ti] smoke from battery compartment of Ti667! Help!!

Mohit Bhansali mobhansali at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 07:24:46 PDT 2003

Yes, certainly a service issue and a potential product
liability issue to say the least.  The irony is that
I've been a lurker on the group and have read the
comments of many here who had Ti problems, software
and hardware related.  I've never had a single
problem.  Thought I was immune. No one is.

I didn't mention this in my original post, but feel
it's necessary to.  After I gingerly released the
battery from its compartment I let it cool down. 
Scared that I had lost my most recent work (a website
I was building in DWMX) I popped the battery back in,
plugged the power cable back in and conventionally
turned the computer on.  Although startup took longer,
I was able to log in and get to my desktop.  Then, I
unplugged the power cord once more.  The same thing

This is strange stuff people!


p.s. - what type(s) of remedy do I have in this

--- "Trevor J. Hutley" <hutley at geneva-link.ch> wrote:
> At 5:51 PM -0700 7/2/03, Mohit Bhansali wrote:
> >  i noticed smoke coming from the compartment.  It
> was so bad that
> >my wife came home and smelt it.
> >
> >Has this happened to anyone?!  Is there a solution?
> Mo - never seen or heard of this, nor has anyone (to
> my recollection) 
> ever reported this on the Ti-list.
> Sounds like a component on a board, close tothe
> battery compartment, 
> that has perhaps melted down.  Definitely a Service
> issue.
> Call Apple or a Service Centre for advice?
> regards,  Trevor

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