[Ti] Speed up

Tarik Bilgin tarik at opalblue.com
Fri Jul 18 02:44:11 PDT 2003

On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 10:33  am, Tom R. no spam wrote:

> Right.  & to read a text file safely, including not breaking your
> current terminal session if the "text" file turns out to be eg
> binary with characters which would mess up your terminal window,
> use the terminal command "less", eg here the command would be
> "less /etc/rc.common".  (Do "man less" to read the man page
> for less, to see how to move around in the file.)  Make a habit
> of using this "less" instead of using an editor and you'll give
> yourself some safety margin while you get familiar with these
> unixy files. :-)

very good advice

less is your friend :)

(less is more) :)


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