[Ti] [OT] Microsoft to quit web browsers for Mac

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Sat Jun 14 23:06:00 PDT 2003

>Putting a new web browser in the market is not an easy thing to do.
>Especially when you have M$ dominating over 90% of the web-browsing
>market. Most websites support IE and some, not all, support Netscape. It
>is quite understandable why Safari is still a BETA.
>Ever since the last Safari update, I haven't had any problems with
>Safari (other than the squeaky sound that it bring out from my TiBook).
>Safari has matured pretty fast. And frankly for a beta, its pretty damn
>good :)

Camino is still v0.7 but I have been using it for months without 
problems. Stable and few, if any, problems with pages that are 
constructed properly.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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