[Ti] Safari: Forms Autocomplete - where?

John R McDaniel johnmcd at one.net
Sat Mar 1 07:06:38 PST 2003

On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 07:59  PM, Robert Ameeti wrote:

> This is all about respecting private property. Apple's in this case.

Robert's clear, cogent reply is dead on.

The lack of respect for intellectual property is a HUGE problem in many 
arenas. And worst of all, that lack of respect usually screws things up 
for those who do have a healthy respect for the work of others.

More often than not, if you create, you understand. If you only 
consume, you don't.

Time to wake up and turn around some attitudes.

j mcd

John McDaniel      johnmcd at one.net
Sonic Arts Digital Audio Services, Inc.

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