David's remarks, re: the 80 MB chunks of "Swap" space, got me thinking. It's occurred to me that the most likely reason for the missing 1.25 GB of drive space [on my internal 30GB drive], must be all those 'invisible' OS files. Not all of it, but maybe 500MB or more...Does that sound likely? It seems the Finder wouldn't 'add them up', but the drive would 'see' them as space 'not available'. As for my unusual, I guess, experience with Word, maybe it's 'payback' for having to make my living, these days, in Quark. <Laughs> It all evens out, believe me. Although Quark 5, for me, on a G4, is way more stable than Quark 4 on a G3, no doubt about that. Still, as i said... it all evens out. ~flipper