[Ti] OS X woes

Henry Kalir kalirhe at UMDNJ.EDU
Thu Mar 13 04:40:00 PST 2003

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Tom Warner wrote:

> On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 08:36 PM, Henry Kalir wrote:
> > Yesterday, I allowed Software Update to install a Java update, and now 
> > I
> > can't open any of those sites at all.
> >
> > I'm using a Ti G4 800 MHz with OS 10.2.4
> >
> You might be interested in this from <http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/> :
> "How to uninstall Java 1.41
>   Mike Hay the developer responsible for the new Java plugin has 
> informed me that you can disable/enable the Java 1.4.1 update in the 
> following way: After installing the Java 1.4.1 Update, you may switch 
> the version of Java that Safari uses by:
>   (a) moving the bundle "JavaPluginCocoa.bundle" out of 
> "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins" to the Desktop -- Safari will use Java 
> 1.3.1
>   (b) moving the bundle "JavaPluginCocoa.bundle" from the Desktop back 
> into "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins" -- Safari will use Java 1.4.1
> Apparently, the bug in this article is a known issue with the Java 
> 1.4.1 implementation according to Apple. It affects only a few applets, 
> but that isn't much consolation to a loyal user of one of those 
> affected sites. It is also interesting that the PC running XP does not 
> have this problem with Java. Now that we know how to uninstall Java 
> 1.41 in OS X for these situations we can use the Java plugin that works 
> best. Pass the word."
> All the best,
> Tom

Hi Tom,

Tried removing the JavaPluginCocoa.bundle as you had suggested.
No luck. Get a "Java corruption" message.



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