WorldWar 2 games?

Hayes-Holgate, Shaun SHayesHolg at
Tue Mar 18 09:51:32 PST 2003

  Hey folks I'm a happy G4 Ti 550 user looking
  for a good WorldWar 2 simulation game that plays
  like 'Battlefield 1942' for the PC. I know there are
  some great war games for the Mac like: 
  WorldWar2 online,
  and the Warbirds series
  but I don't want to play in a long 
  campaign or pay monthly online payments.The beauty of
  Battlefield 1942 is that you can jump in for 20 minutes
  drive any vehicle or plane without having to read a 
  manual and then exit.Online or off.
  So can anyone suggest a similar game?
  Whatever happened to 'Fighter squadron-screaming demons over
  Europe'? Did that ever ship?


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