[Ti] I won't sign the petition [was: Canadians need not apply!]

Frank Farwell frankfarwell at mac.com
Thu May 1 09:45:59 PDT 2003

On Thursday, May 1, 2003, at 09:43 AM, Eduard Hoenkamp wrote:

> I am unhappy with the petition page mentioned in this digest 
> http://www.petitiononline.com/AppleInt/petition.html
>  I wake up my sleeping billing address in the US and see if I can use 
> this to purchase music even while living abroad. I suggest Apple adds 
> a line about the reason for the expressed policy. Eduard.

you hit this pretty close the issues are legal issues with the 
individual countries. we might do better to get your individual country 
to relax its policies to let apple in. Until these legal issues are 
solved with your country it wont happen. apple is working on this. But 
should they wait a year or whatever to release this software until it 
is all worked out - i think not.  US is the test plot too before too 
much time and legal things get wrangled out it must be made fully 
workable, profitable. if they went world wide, had it all worked out in 
advance and it failed somehow - it could hurt apple big time. This is 
in many ways breaking new ground and the waters are being tested before 
the big dip.

frank farwell

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