17" PowerBook closing comments

John B. Crane jbcrane at cranedigital.com
Thu May 1 22:38:48 PDT 2003

My 17" has possibly 1-2mm of space between the left base and lid and 
the capacity to be pushed down "slightly" when the lid is closed. The 
right side is a little tighter, with less capacity to be pushed down. 
Though I did wonder when I first saw this how bad it would get, it's 
not what I'd term objectionable (and I'm a graphic artist-in other 
words, "picky" about such things ;-).

As the unit ages-heats and cools, is shuffled about in the bag, and the 
screen gets older, hinges get loser, etc. it'll be interesting to watch 
how he wears. All-in-all I can say or find nothing negative about this 
machine. I've had it for nearly 2 months now and still remember how it 
took my breath away (not to be mellowdramatic) when I took it out of 
the box for the first time. If Apple doesn't win every industrial 
design award known to mankind for this thing... I just don't know what 
to think.
Simply Stunning.

Anyone know of a nicer cloth (rather than the thin foam that it shipped 
with) to insert between the keyboard and screen. After my Lombard 
screen getting etched I'm a little concerned about it happening to this 
one as well.


John B. Crane
CraneDigital, LLC
3D Visual Communications for All Media
Fort Collins, CO 80524
tel: (970) 229-1462

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