10.2.6 update - minor feedback

Peter Krug pkrug at mac.com
Wed May 7 10:15:45 PDT 2003

>At 13:11 -0400 05/07/2003, Trevor J. Hutley wrote:
>>Very often, Safari was staying there, quite often other applications.
>>But now, everytime (so far), alt-cmd-H has very quickly cleared the
>>desktop.   This may simply be that memory is being managed better?
>>It could also be that my Ti-500 has been re-started.  I will watch
>this carefully, to see if there is a progressive drop in performance.


I have noticed that memory management may be improved.  I monitor my 
memory with MemoryStick - I have noticed that when applications quit, 
they give their memory space back to "free" memory instead of to 
"inactive" RAM.  I probably won't need to use MacJanitor every other 
hour anymore...

A little computer haiku:
I can't remember
the last time I restarted
I love OS X

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