Tarik Bilgin typed this message on 5/7/03 4:31 AM: > looks like a bug fix release. > > All fixing bugs and adding some optimisation for Geforce 2mx and 4mx > cards for Unreal Tournament 2003, and also the T610 phone for > AddressBook. For those like me who bypass the System Update method whenever possible, there is a Combo Updater: http://download.info.apple.com/Mac_OS_X/061-0566.20030506.3w72q/2Z/MacOSXUpd ateCombo10.2.6.dmg.bin Even though I have a slow 28.8K connection and the file is over 80 meg, I am in the midst of downloading it (a 8+ hour task). According to MacFixit, even though the 10.2.5 Combo updater installed a mass of problems in many systems, this version seems OK (fingers crossed). jg