[Ti] buy now at great price or wait

Bill Reburn reburn at mts.net
Thu May 8 09:13:23 PDT 2003

On 5/8/03 10:46 AM, "Neil Cadsawan" <rainer3 at mac.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 11:35  AM, Sam Hotchkiss wrote:
>> I SERIOUSLY doubt we're going to see a proc bump, or graphics card
>> bump (is
>> there a better mobile graphics card available?) or a better screen
>> (how much
>> better can you get?) for at least 6-9 months
> Well... the powerbooks really could stand to have a higher screen
> resolution.  This is one area the powerbooks lag in comparison to other
> laptops.
> -Neil

I totally agree Neil. For my work I REALLY have to be hooked up to my Studio
Disp (crt, NOT lcd). Some of the people I work with in the financial sector
have older Dells, with crazy resolution settings (as high as 1600x1200 I
think?) Sure text may be a little less smooth compared to OSX on a Ti, but I
am not a writer so I don't care. The weak lcd resolution of the Ti/Al's is
pretty much my only sticking point. At least they have good graphics cards
that can drive external monitors very very well.

Is this a limitation of the type of lcd technology Apple uses? Or what?

Bill Reburn
Associate Member of the
Society of Graphic Designers of Canada

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