Look at this: It gives you a very good picture by picture of opening up the 17" Good luck, Davis P.S. Save the old drive, and if you have warranty issues down the road, just reinstall the old drive before giving it to Apple. In a message dated 05/22/03 09:38:48 AM, steve at woz.org writes: >At 8:03 AM -0700 2003.05.22, Photios Dumont wrote: > >>Has anyone found a web page describing the take apart process of the 17" >>Powerbook in order to gain access to the hard drive? I'd like to swap >out my >>60G with an 80G. I know that I can use an external drive via firewire, >but, >>I want the 80 to be internal. I also know that Apple says it will void >my >>warranty, but I think this is nonsense. I've always upgraded my hard drive >>in all my powerbooks, and even an ibook. The ibook was a tough mod to >make >>because you had to avoid breaking the plastic case, while prying it off. >>Anyway, if someone knows how to do it, that would be great too! It appears >>you just need to remove all the little screws around the sides of the >>computer, though there may be some precautions to take into account (like >>voiding the warranty - I know, I know!) :-) > >A local computer store did this for me, but now they are out of business >(Apple victim). They did the HD exchange in so few minutes that it must >be pretty easy. The store told me that Apple approved them doing this. >Another option is to see if the Apple store will do the installation. Sorry, >I didn't watch the installation myself and didn't pay close enough attention >when the technician explained what screws he removed. My recollection is >that there were about a dozen total screws but they weren't hidden. >-- > >Regards, > >Steve (is tv wake zone?)