[Ti] Jumpy mouse pointer

Bill Planey bplaney at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 27 08:06:24 PDT 2003

I am using the mouse on a laminated desk surface, which simulates a maple
wood finish. The surface is therefore of non-uniform color - there is a wood
grain look to it.  Do you think that might be influncing the optical reader
to jump the mouse cursor?


On 5/26/03 11:26 AM, "Michael Bigley" <wakinyan at fuse.net> wrote:

>> It happens at seemingly random moments - I
>> could be attempting to navigate to a choice on a submenu, or just moving
>> from one spot to another, getting ready to click on a button, or dragging a
>> selection marquee... Then boom, the pointer is completely somewhere else.
> I had a similar problem when using my mouse on top of my Intuos
> tablet. Change the surface you are using the mouse on. The infrared
> reflects or refracts off of some surfaces including the "newer"
> mousepads with the slick surfaces. Try just putting a sheet of paper
> or carboard under the mouse. If that fixes it go for something more
> permanent like one of the cloth-covered mousepads or other
> non-reflective material.

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