[Ti] [OT]Scandinavian characters Was: Taking a US computer to Europe

Erik Gaderlund gaderson at mac.com
Wed May 28 15:45:12 PDT 2003

At 17:42 +0200 05/28/03, Lisbeth Zachs wrote:
>onsdagen den 28 maj 2003 kl 14.49 skrev Tarik Bilgin:
>>Scandinavia is rather well supported at the moment I think. Finnish 
>>has been  there for a while now.
>Since it is common in the tourist information directed towards US to 
>put Scandinavia = Nordic countries I do understand your connection 
>above, but Scandinavia is really only Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 
>These three have as David R remarked languages with bothersome 
>characters, which aren't even similar between the countries. (Sounds 
>are similar but form and place in alphabet differs)

Right I've heard that the ø is "you can't pronounce this".

>When you add Iceland and Finland to Scandinavia you get the Nordic 
>countries. Finland is a lot easier to localize computervise since 
>they don't use the three complicated characters in the Finnish 
>alphabet. Hence Finlands early apperance in any language 
>To end the geografical and culture lesson: Some Finn also speak Swedish

The most famous of this group being Linus Torvolds of Linux fame.

erik g

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