smokin' Powerbook - source identified

Mohit Bhansali mobhansali at
Mon Nov 17 07:10:19 PST 2003

Two words: power surge.

I wrote last week a story about how my Tibook 667
started roasting one afternoon after I started it from

A venture to the Soho store revealed that the cookage
occured from a nasty power surge which, if it hadn't
been for me popping out that battery in due time,
would've fried the whole unit.

The harware lost?  Battery, Airport card - and -
possibly Airport card connection to the logic board. 
That would require a logic board replacement.  That
would suck.

Anyway, this has got me looking into 15" Al books.  I
hear good things and not-so-good things.  I would
appreciate feedback (in a private email) if you also
made the switch from a Ti-->Al (15").

Furthermore, I put a surge protector on everything in
my shack of an apt. here in Manhattan =)

Thanks to all that replied.  You're all very kind.


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