[Ti] Empty trash

Pedro Vera pedro at veraperez.com
Thu Nov 20 07:36:06 PST 2003

Empty trash deletes the pointer that the operating system uses to find 
a specific file. The data remains the same but to the OS it is as if 
that area is now empty. If you have a recovery tool you can grab the 
contents of the file.

Secure empty trash deletes the pointer and overwrites the area that was 
used by the file with garbage. This means nobody can recover the file 

(public GPG/PGP key available at http://pedrovera.com/public.asc)

On Nov 20, 2003, at 10:36 AM, Ray M wrote:

> Hello...
> Here is another stupid question, but what is the difference between 
> empty
> trash and secure empty trash?
> ray
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