Max Resolution not max enough

Loren Schooley loren at
Sun Nov 23 09:13:09 PST 2003

XGCD Loop 
2.24 Mops/sec      <--1MIL / 256-->   2.19 Mops/sec

Floating Point BasicFloating Point Basic
239.04 Mflop/sec      <--1MIL / 256-->   229.08 Mflop/sec

Comparing numbers on a 550mhz Ti, it would seem that running 256
colors/800x600 would require less power, and offer more performance than
running the graphics at maximum capability. Not so according to benchmarks,
when running at the max 1152x768/millions, the performance actually
increases at many levels. That said, I see no harm in hacking the video
driver to pull a 1280x1024 resolution.

I have just started to find out how I can do this, and X11 should have a
configuration file where I can begin. Question is, has anyone attempted this
already? I can't find anything on the web.

AltiVec Basic 
1.90 Gflop/sec      <--1MIL / 256--> 1.94 Gflop/sec

ZvecLib FFT 
1.03 Gflop/sec      <--1MIL / 256--> 1.04 Gflop/sec

Floating Point Library
2.55 Mops/sec      <--1MIL / 256--> 2.40 Mops/sec

    Quartz Graphics TestQuartz Graphics Test

1.59 Klines/sec    <--1MIL / 256--> 3.38 lines/sec

5.25 Krects/sec     <--1MIL / 256-->  2.06 Krects/sec

1.73 Kcircles/sec   <--1MIL / 256-->   746.94 circles/sec

663.35 beziers/sec  <--1MIL / 256-->/ 390.54 beziers/sec

1.18 Kchars/sec      <--1MIL / 256-->  1.48 Kchars/sec

    OpenGL Graphics TestOpenGL Graphics Test

Spinning SquaresSpinning Squares
47.69 frames/sec      <--1MIL / 256--> 26.63 frames/sec

User Interface TestUser Interface Test
22.42 refresh/sec      <--1MIL / 256-->  17.98 refresh/sec

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