[Ti] 10.2.8

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Thu Oct 2 12:57:55 PDT 2003

Jesse Williams-Proudman typed this message on 10/2/03 2:04 AM:

> But >> APPLE << didn't install ANYTHING on your computer.  You chose to
> install the update on your computer.  Apple did the responsible thing and
> pulled the update when they learned of problems.  You just so happened to
> install your copy before they did so but once again it was your choice.
> Don't blame things on a company when it's your responsibility.

Well I didn't thank goodness! But I know that there are thousands, if not
millions who when Apple System Update says something should be installed,
trusting souls that they are, they click 'OK.' Perhaps now they will enter
into some kind of inner dialog that will question and even refuse to agree
with Apple that something should be installed.


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