[Ti] AOL only does HTML

mac2 mail mac2 at oryx.cc
Wed Oct 8 18:50:34 PDT 2003

Could someone post a URL which discusses the "html only" move by aol?


Jerry K

On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, at 08:32  PM, Barry Lyden wrote:

> Plain text is supported if you use the AOL Communicator email client. I
> believe that AOL Communicator may still be in beta mode, I'm not sure. 
> If
> so, sign on to your AOL account, go to keyword "beta" and follow the 
> links
> to install AOL Communicator and you'll be on your way to using plain 
> text.
> :-)
> BTW - Communicator is a fairly decent  (for AOL) all purpose email 
> client
> that supports pop, imap, and AOL email.
>  On 10/8/03 8:55 AM, "Robert Ameeti" <robert at ameeti.net> wrote:
>>> PS: This list doesn't accept email sent directly from AOL for OSX. 
>>> What
>>> gives? I have to use a web browser and send from AOL's website. I 
>>> can't seem
>>> to figure out how to get AOL to send "text only".
>> LOL.  Yep, AOL being state of the art and all, they only do HTML now. 
>> No more
>> plain text for you.

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