[Ti] isight on Tibook 667

Mohit Bhansali mobhansali at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 13:39:31 PDT 2003

Thanks for the suggestions.  Limiting the bandwith to
500, 100 and everything in between really didn't help.
 It seems as though during the first minute or so of
chatting the audio reception is clear.  Then it gets
noticably fainter.

Perhaps iChat AV full release mic/audio drivers might
resolve these issues.

My Tibook also has fainter audio reception than my
brothers iBook 800.  Just an afterthought.


Message-Id: <a06002002bbb9940b4d5d@[]>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:31:27 -0400
From: jpe <listmail at acedsl.com>
Subject: Re: [Ti] isight on Tibook 667

Try limiting the bandwidth to 500. That has helped 
some people with 
audio problems

>On Oct 19, 2003, at 7:35 PM, Mohit Bhansali wrote:
>>I'm using iSight on a Ti 667 DVI with my brother 
>>also has an iSight on an 800 iBook).
>>We both have broadband connections (he's in LA, I'm 
>>NY).  Video is fine.  However, audio seems to be
>>faint.  We both have to speak very loud in order to
>>hear each other.  My output and input volumes are 
>>fairly high up to a point before digital clipping.
>>Has anyone also experienced this? If so, any fixes??

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