[Ti] Mail.app - whaddyawant?

Chris Olson chris at astcomm.net
Tue Sep 2 10:21:05 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 10:45 AM, Tarik wrote:

> I hear a rumour that in 10.3 they are reworking Mail.app again.
> I want all those features that you are all posting, but I also don't 
> want the app to grind to a halt and corrupt mailboxes when they get 
> "large" (400 messages and 30 megabytes).

I got 14 different mailboxes, one with 2507 messages and 137MB.  Three 
more have over 2000 messages and over 100 MB in each.  My sent folder 
has 2765 messages and 155 MB.  Mail works fine for me - never crashes, 
has never corrupted a mailbox, never even given a hint of any problem.

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