[Ti] Undeletable trash

b fl1pper at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 20 20:18:14 PDT 2003

Chris Olson paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly:

>On Saturday, September 20, 2003, at 07:54 PM, Tom Seid wrote:
>>Under OS 10.2.6, I have a folder, containing 0 kb, which I cannot
>>delete...every time I try a warning shows that I do not have sufficient
>>privileges...booted into OS 9, and it doesn't appear in trash...any
>OS X trash is in ~/.Trashes  OS 9's is in a different place.  Try 
>opening the terminal, cd to where the folder is, do 'ls -la' to see 
>who owns it and what it's permissions are, change them if necessary 
>using 'sudo chown' or 'sudo chmod', then delete it with rm -r 

OS X has  nasty habit of seeing a 'locked' file and putting up a 
'permissions'-related dialog. (which is correct, but confusing to 
some). One thing to try first, before booting into 9, or using chmod, 
etc, is to simply do a Get Info on the file in question and if it 
says 'Locked' than un-check the 'Locked' box. Then trash it.

Or, double-click on Trash

Open Terminal

At prompt, type;  sudo rm

type a space after the rm

drag the file in question to the terminal window

hit return

at the prompt type your password

hit return


For the terminal-averse: Drag the files out of Trash to the desktop, 
boot into OS 9, navigate to the desktop Folder in your <username> 
home folder, and trash the file as normal.


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