Re: [Ti] Is this a Spanish keyboardÉ

shaun hayes-holgate hazetoonz at
Mon Sep 29 22:27:48 PDT 2003

Thank you sir.I've returned to normal and can now enjoy my 15"
powerbook with apostrophes,inches and question marks.Or can I?
Looks like I can.

Thanx again.

On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 09:40 PM, Paul Russell wrote:

>> I just picked up a new 15È powerbook and it seems very snappy
>> and responsive.But as you can see Iève found an odd keyboard
>> problem. I canèt type inches,apostrophies or question marks. Iève
>> searched the help list but canèt find a solution.Can anyone helpÉ
>> (shift question mark gives me an É and shift tilde gives me a Ù)
>> Is this a spanish setting or whatÉ
> Go to System Preferences -> International -> Input Menu and see what's 
> selected.
> Paul
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