Memory cover screw replacement

David Grant davidgrant401 at
Fri Apr 2 12:11:23 PST 2004


I just bought a 17" powerbook less than a month ago.

This week, I wanted to add more memory. I removed the three screws of
the cover, added the extra memory (No problems there) and started to
replace the cover. Got two of the screws in place (Very small screws!)
and started to place the third one, and, you guessed it, it slipped
fron the pliers I was using to place it. Bounced off the table and
dissapeared. I spent 20 min. searching the carpet under my desk, but no
luck. My questions are...

1.  The cover now has two screws holding it on, could this possibly
cause a problem?

2.  Is there a source for these screws?  From apple or??



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