[Ti] Albook scratch

Fred fred at mindstate.com
Mon Apr 26 16:42:03 PDT 2004

On 26.4.2004 16:42, "John Griffin" <jwegriffin at mac.com> wrote:

> Don typed this message on 4/26/04 4:42 PM:
>> I was one who ordered and never received product but I don't know that the
>> current offering is from the same guy.
> Apparently it is a different product and a different supplier then the scam
> artists that were doing business (sort of) a few years ago. My apologies to
> the people supplying the new product.
> Anybody have a link to the new Powerbook paint suppliers?
> jg
 We both might have been a bit hasty...ck the link for the Ti paint at the
bottom.  It takes you to the tipaint.com page.  Was that not the same guys
as before?  Hmmmm

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