[Ti] Priceless -shame on Apple

Daniel Rubinstein shardaeek at fmail.co.uk
Wed Feb 4 04:06:15 PST 2004

In 1984 Jobs convinced John Sculley form Pepsi Cola to become the 
president of Apple with the famous words: "If you stay at Pepsi, five 
years from now all you'll have accomplished is selling  a lot more 
sugar water to kids. If you come to Apple you can change the world."

How sad and pathetic is that Apple joins forces with Pepsi in a 
coordinated advertising campaign that uses the love of music to sell 
lots more sugar water - from the front page of its website.

May you rot as the teeth of your customers, Apple.

Daniel Rubinstein


"Terrorism is the nuclear bomb of the poor" - Jan Paul Sartre

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