[Ti] Priceless -shame on Apple

Peter Krug pkrug at mac.com
Wed Feb 4 09:53:56 PST 2004

>May you rot as the teeth of your customers, Apple.
Well, since Apple and Pepsi are FORCING you to buy "sugar water" as 
the ONLY means of getting an iTune, maybe you should choose the Diet 
Pepsi option.

Or maybe save a few pennies and just buy the tune outright inside the 
iTunes music store?

Come on.  All you anti-advertising folks really need to lighten up 
and GIVE CONSUMERS SOME CREDIT!!  We're not all helplessly at the 
mercy of the 30 second ad spot on the boob tube.


p.s. The only product I've ever bought solely because of advertising 
was the Original Cool Mint Listerine, because of the Tarzan Boy song 
and the animation.  Oh, and I didn't mean to bring up the whole 
"boob" thing again.  Sorry.
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the last time I restarted
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