[Ti] G5 Powerbooks on the way...

Chris Long clong at mac.com
Wed Feb 11 15:10:51 PST 2004

On Feb 11, 2004, at 2:24 PM, rob morris wrote:

> Sounds as if they are on track for the "rumored", "predicted" release 
> maybe
> in late summer or early fall.  Based on the impending volume run of 
> chips,
> how they are actually made and those that actually make the grade after
> being produced, this would seem to hold up.  So let's hope we might 
> see them
> in the mix by late summer as predicted. Hope so.

That is of course after the run(s) to produce 1500 or how ever many 
that number was for Virginia Tech, and all of the other "supercomputer 
cluster" builders who, according to the same rumor sites, are using G5 
XServes, and all the new PowerMacs, and the G5 20th Anniversary Mac, 
and the liquid-cooled batteries, etc. etc. etc.


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