[Ti] 1GHz TiBook or 1.25GHz AlBook?

Renaud Dreyer rdreyer at math.berkeley.edu
Thu Jan 15 15:18:49 PST 2004

Le jeudi, 15 jan 2004, à 14:58 US/Pacific, Tom Klinkowstein a écrit :

> I have an 867 Ti and am considering an Al as a second unit.
> Love the long battery like of the Ti; does anyone get similar 
> performance on Al?

After installing the battery software update for my AlBook, I get 4.5 
hours of battery time with maximum energy savings settings (no airport, 
bluethooth off etc.).

> Where is the download someone mentioned to increase battery 
> performance?

That would be Apple's battery software update, which should 
automatically appear in your software updates if your portable can run 
it. Ciao,


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