[Ti] MASSIVE Virtual PC hard drive

Glenn L. Austin glenn at austin-home.com
Wed Jul 28 14:57:42 PDT 2004

on 7/28/04 2:28 PM, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley at hutley at geneva-link.ch wrote:

> I am running Virtual PC 6, running Windows XP, on my G4 Al-book.
> I have noticed that the (expandable) boot drive has expanded to a
> massive 5.27 Gb !!
> Has anyone else noticed this ?  What can I do to get this back to a
> "reasonable" size ?   Is this another kind of creeping Windows
> phenomenon, that the Virtual PC drive eventually takes over your
> Powerbook hard drive ?!!

XP uses more memory than earlier versions, and runs really well on a 512MB
machine, which means that your Powerbook should have 768MB or more of RAM.

If you have less than that, then XP needs to expand its swap file if you run
a lot of XP applications (or one that takes a lot of RAM).

Also make sure that you've got recent (this week!) virus detection running,
and check your VPC for spyware.

Glenn L. Austin <><
Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
<glenn at austin-home.com>

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