[Ti] MASSIVE Virtual PC hard drive

Wilhelm Wanders kaskudoo at freenet.de
Wed Jul 28 18:00:04 PDT 2004

> Outlook is just one of many "vectors" for viruses on PCs.  IE is just 
> about
> as bad as so many web servers running IIS are infected in one way or 
> another
> that the last estimate I saw was somewhere in the 80% range (!) were
> infected in one way or another.
> My VPC has even been affected by other Wintel machines on the network, 
> just
> by connecting to the network.  I just hope that M$ finally is able to 
> shut
> down all of the holes in the OS -- one day.
so true =)

besides of browser hijackers, worms, viruses, trojans and spy/adware, 
also other legit programs that are just badly written for XP could 
cause memory leeks ...
you also should make sure that you fix the size of the XP swap file ... 
once you defined it to, well, lets say a gig, there should be 
'virtually' no more memory use after that limit =)
and maybe next time you generate a hard drive with VPC you might want 
to use a fixed size drive .... you know that NOW ;) ...i made the same 
thing than you before though too..... i was running 2kpro though ...

and, i don't think m$ wants to shut down those holes .... but those are 
just my 2cents


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