Right. Or rollup. (Is the interesting product at the Kodak url the rollup LCD which has been mentioned various places?) Or inflatable. Or projection, no screen at all, just hold up a sheet of white paper, or point at a wall, & get the size you want by distance and focus--hmmmm, how much illumination energy would short range projection take?. On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Kynan Shook wrote: . . . > be is a folding screen; when you lift the lid for the computer, you can > then fold out a couple of wings on the screen (or they'd fold or extend > out from the sides of the screen automatically), providing additional > LCD space. . . . . . . > technologies or so. OLED displays don't need a backlight, and so are > thinner and require less power. See URL below, especially checking out > the "thinner" link halfway down. > http://www.kodak.com/US/en/corp/display/overview.jhtml . . .