[Ti] Poll 19

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Tue Jun 1 23:58:16 PDT 2004

Right.  Or rollup.  (Is the interesting product at the Kodak
url the rollup LCD which has been mentioned various places?)
Or inflatable.  Or projection, no screen at all, just hold up
a sheet of white paper, or point at a wall, & get the size you
want by distance and focus--hmmmm, how much illumination
energy would short range projection take?.

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Kynan Shook wrote:
 . . .
> be is a folding screen; when you lift the lid for the computer, you can
> then fold out a couple of wings on the screen (or they'd fold or extend
> out from the sides of the screen automatically), providing additional
> LCD space. . . .
 . . .
> technologies or so.  OLED displays don't need a backlight, and so are
> thinner and require less power.  See URL below, especially checking out
> the "thinner" link halfway down.
> http://www.kodak.com/US/en/corp/display/overview.jhtml
 . . .

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