[Ti] eliminating Norton

RP McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Mon Jun 14 05:26:09 PDT 2004

On 14/6/04 9:13 am, "Tarik Bilgin" <tarik at opalblue.com> wrote (in part):

>> Does Norton leave a receipt in /Library/Receipts/<Norton
>> something>.pkg?
> I bloody well hope so!!!

Actually Tarik, I believe there are several programs that do not do this,
apparently only those that install using the Apple installer will leave a
receipt there...(I know that MS Office 2004 doesn't for example).

I was asking because if one wished to know what items are installed or
changed during an installation there is a rather nice command 'lsbom' that
can be used, for example as such (in Terminal) to look at the security
update files from the 24/05/2004:


(obviously without the <> symbols and you need admin rights or need to sudo

Which will list the 'bill of material' for that installer. Using this with
the appropriate receipt can be very useful in finding *all* of the files or
folders installed with a program...if it uses the Apple installer that is.



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