J.C. Webber III paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly: >Dejan Sinadinovic wrote: >> How bizarre! I can't find any downloadable program for disk >> optimization/defragmentation on the internet! Isn't that strange? D. >> > >You're kidding, right? OSX is a unix system. No defrag required >on unix. Windoz, yes. Maybe even MacOS (pre-OSX). But definitely >not a unix based OS. Whoa, now, who's kidding whom here? Have you ever tried running a 5GB+ installation of say, VPC, when you have 10 Gigs 'free', and the largest contiguous allocation block is a few hundred megs? Didn't think so. Unix, itself is wired to strew files, and it doesn't matter at all, until you want to do something like edit a video (not a three minute clip), render some 3D, or (heaven forbid) run a latge (3-CD) game that is installed, Speed is over-rated, but, why work (being busy) with files that are fragged? Whether someone's running batch mods in Photoshop, doing big Flash sites that require testing on onboard VPC installations, running Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, etc (the big apps that love free, contiguous 'scratch' drive space, and fast access times), a fragmented disk, whether it's an Apple, Unix, Windows, SGI... no matter, Even large file transfers between internal and external drives are much, much faster on defragged drives. I use a lot of Unix apps, and yeah, I agree, they run fast, because they're strings of commands, all in RAM (at least on my machine). But then OSX still isn't as 'fast' in the Finder, as OS 9.2.2. Maybe someday. <laughs> Defrag regularly, and keep 20% free, (meaning unallocated) hard drive space.<--minimum..... i.e. 80% is 'full'. ~flipper