AIM, iChat,etc opposite problem

Milan Kalus milankalus at
Sun Jun 27 10:38:02 PDT 2004

I have opposite issue. I can't get on iChatAV.

When I get on iChat AV 2.1, Mac to Mac, my invitation is accepted, AV 
works for 10 sec but then the local bit rate as indicated on the 
Connection Doctor starts dropping from 210kbps to 60kbps and the 
picture freezes in few seconds. My buddy's bit rate holds steady while 
mine is dropping. Many times I can't get AV connection at all whether 
by invitation from me or my buddy. Audio without video may or may not 
work. Text works every time.

Transcript from Connection Doctor after one of many failed AV 

2004-06-24 07:58:18 -0600: No data has been received for the last 10 
  Audio channel info: local machine using, expecting 
remote machine to send to
  Video channel info: local machine using, expecting 
remote machine to send to

I use Mac G5 DP, iChat 2.1, iSight, Comcast cable broadband, Built-in 
Ethernet with configuration: using DHCP, with IP address provided by 
DHCP server , router address provided by DHCP server, no firewalls, cable modem Motorola SB 5100. Broadband 
speed constantly around 3Mbps download, 200kbps upload. The ping 
latency average 64ms.


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