Murray E. Milligan paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly: >I seem to have a lot of duplicate files on my HD. Duplicates of the mp3's >I've obtained. Do I need to keep these extra duplicate files? Can I delete >them to clear up some HD space? > >Murray You might have a Preference set (it is the default, so), in iTunes, that "Copies all imported mp3s to your iTunes Music folder. I disabled that little devil right from the get go. My mp3s are on external drives Look in your Prefs, in iTunes. Click the "Advanced" tab, and you'll see 2 boxes, near the bottom of the little window. One is "Keep iTunes folder Organized", a Very Good Thing", the other, is "Copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to Library". I think I made my opinion of that one clear, already. You do not need two copies of anything in iTunes. I prefer to let iTunes organize itself, and to download, import, or 'get and store' my files where I wish. Hope that helps. ~flipper