[Ti] Ti replacement battery

Tarik Bilgin tarik at opalblue.com
Fri Mar 12 07:03:26 PST 2004

On 11 Mar 2004, at 21:06, jamkam wrote:

> My battery on my TiG4 400 doesn't hold but an hour of juice so it's 
> time to replace.  What are my options?  OEM is 140 bux there's gotta 
> be an alternative.  APC sells one for 125 but I think it's black, 
> anyone try it?  Is the Apple the only one that will match the case 
> color?

I'vve just ordered my replacement battery (my current one has around 20 
mins juice in it at max charge) for my Ti 400.

I ordered it from otherworld computing, has higher capacity than the 
original Apple one.

Tarik Bilgin

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