Another client - another 10.3.3 issue

Mark Gibson gibsonm at
Wed Mar 17 15:41:48 PST 2004


Second one.

I have a client who upgraded his 17" PB to 10.3.3 overnight and now 
if he starts up with Ethernet connected he gets a Kernel Panic.

If he starts up without it connected, everything is fine. If he then 
plugs the Ethernet cable in and connects manually (Command K) its 

Everything was no problem prior to his upgrade - which he tells mea was fine.


Mark (}-:

AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

Fleschely janglers, opyn preisers and blamers of hemself or of any
other, tithing tellers, rouners and tutilers of tales, and alle maner
of pinchers, kept I never that thei sawe this book -- C.O.U

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