[Ti] Airport File Transfer Speed

luke etyrnal at ameritech.net
Mon Mar 29 17:43:20 PST 2004

On Monday, March 29, 2004, at 09:40  AM, David DelMonte wrote:

> Hi all. I have an airport extreme connecting my G4 to a PB 17".
> I get great internet speeds but awful file transfer speed (40mb = 
> 30min).
> Any ideas?
> Thanks

i have found that leaving Appletalk turned on seems to drastically slow 
my network down.

also i heard somewhere that it can take up to two minutes for the 
network/filesharing to stabilize a newer connection...

while i do not know for sure about the stabilizing idea, i have noticed 
that every once in a while while trying to immediately transfer across 
a newly connected share i get very poor speeds initially...  sometimes 
like .5MB/s and much slower...

but this never seems to happen on connections that have been already 
open for a while.

              __       http://etyrnal.no-ip.com         .__
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