[Ti] Airport File Transfer Speed

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Tue Mar 30 07:01:06 PST 2004

Is it running at a continuous slow speed, or are there a lot of spikes 
in the throughput?
It could be that your throughput is lessened by the G4 (presumably) 
being 802.11b; the whole wireless network has to slow down just for 
that computer.  Doesn't seem particularly likely, though.  Check the 
antenna connections, too, and move the computers around a little bit.  
It could still be placement and/or interference.  Also, try creating an 
ad-hoc network (eg "Create Network" in the Airport menu, then join it 
from the other computer, and then try transferring files).  If you do 
this while the Airport base station is still running, make sure you 
choose a different channel.  Also, as I mentioned before, try different 
channels with the base station too.
It could certainly be your cordless phone, though; my roommate just got 
a 2.4 GHz wireless phone and, at least if I'm on channels 1 or 3, every 
time he's talking on the phone, my internet completely drops out.  I'm 
on channel 11 right now, and performance is better (but still not 
always perfect).  I'd recommend turning off the cordless phone base, 
and take the batteries out of the handset; this way, you can make sure 
you're not cluttering up the 2.4 GHz band any more than necessary.  Of 
course, if you live within 100 feet of your neighbors, you also are 
affected by their wireless traffic, but there's not too much you can do 
about that.

David DelMonte <ddelmonte at mac.com> writes:
> Using the Activity Monitor was very interesting.
> Now I'm scratching my head even more though...
> Here's what I found.
> Pulling a file from my PB to my desktop was really fast (I used the
> same file - the Mac OS 10.3.3 combo). It took 3 minutes to transfer.
> Pulling a file from the desktop to my PB was very slow (more than 30
> minutes)
> Pushing a file from my desktop to my PB was also very slow (more than
> 30 minutes).
> FYI - the computers are sitting next to each other. The airport bs is
> sitting between them.
> I do have a 2.4Ghz phone nearby (20 feet). I will try moving that,
> however I'm curious why moving files 1 way is ok but not the other way.

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