[Ti] Airport File Transfer Speed

luke etyrnal at ameritech.net
Wed Mar 31 13:37:22 PST 2004

On Tuesday, March 30, 2004, at 03:44  AM, Tarik Bilgin wrote:

> On 30 Mar 2004, at 02:43, luke wrote:
>> i have found that leaving Appletalk turned on seems to drastically 
>> slow my network down.
> Appletalk is a much "richer" protocol than TCP/IP. (TCP/IP has become 
> the de facto standard in use, across both Unix and Windows)
> richer == more data
> However these days the OS is much more TCP/IP based, i.e. the only 
> reason you would want to run Appletalk is for compatibility with older 
> machines etc.
> Switch it off and only switch on when you need it.

i've also had it explained to me that Appletalk is "chatty" -  i guess 
this means that there is a lot of overhead-data and that the different 
machines are always sending "shouts out to it's peeps"...


              __       http://etyrnal.no-ip.com         .__
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