Oh Fate - how cruel ye are (broken hinge)

John simplymail at ururk.com
Sat May 1 19:36:31 PDT 2004

Anyone have detailed fix-it-yourself instructions? Do I need to remove 
the LCD from the case (ie, disconnect the cables?), or can I get away 
without doing that (just remove the bezel w/out disconnecting the 

I stepped off the couch quickly - my power cord decided it wanted to be 
with my leg. The PB fell FLAT on it's face. Sigh.


I've ordered a pair off eBay, and will install them as soon as they 
come in.

What size torx are the screen screws? I have the torx for the bottom 
and hinge screws.

I *really* don't understand this - bought the computer 3 years ago, 
never bought AppleCare, it worked like a trooper, then all of a sudden, 
3 years + 5 months later, broken speaker, bottom separating, paint 
chipping all over, now this. Granted, the hinge is my fault, but still, 
I feel like I have abused my computer.

Thanks in advance for any input...

John Pariseau

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