[Ti] CD 8 cm 200 MB

John simplymail at ururk.com
Sat May 1 17:45:09 PDT 2004

> I run a record label and in 2000 we released a 24 CD boxed set of 8 cm 
> CDs.
> Trust me, from bitter experience, +don't+ put them in your slot-loading
> drive (unless you want to send your PowerBook back to Apple to have 
> them
> forcibly removed!).

I have a PB G4 550 DVD drive, and it is able to accept the small round 
CD's. You need to insert the CD on the right side of the drive. It 
works, but scares the heck out of me. Interestingly enough, if I insert 
one of those disks on the left side, it isn't read, and I have to eject 
it with a paperclip (pushing the button on the right side).

The combo drives (perhaps even the CD burner only) will not accept this 
size of CD.

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