[Ti] 19" Ti-books (oops, Al-Books)

b fl1pper at earthlink.net
Sun May 30 19:27:11 PDT 2004

RP McKay paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly:

>On 30/5/04 11:10 pm, "b" <fl1pper at earthlink.net> wrote (in part):
>>  I worked in color correction, and I've done a lot of proofreading.
>I would also agree with you on this point.
>>  I prefer the desktop CRTs.
>>  NOT the one I use at work, however. It's a Samsung 9250 or
>>  9300-something, and is a guaranteed headache after 8 hours of
>>  intensive focusing. My LaCie, at home has been in front of me during
>>  more than a few 90+ hour jags... no eyestrain whatsoever.
>I am always curious about situations like this...If you cannot convince the
>'boss' that it is in your interest to have a better monitor in order to save
>your eyes in terms of reduced sick days, eye fatigue, increased productivity
>and morale...why on earth would you not either purchase a decent monitor for
>your workplace yourself (expenses permitting) or use the one from home...

Expenses aren't permitting at all. I was abruptly umemployed by a 
bankrupt co, with 8 hours 'notice', unpaid my last two weeks, and not 
paid for several Maccs I left at the co in Boca... and then it took 
10 months to find work here in Syracuse. I don't drive, so carting my 
only (beloved) 22" monitor isn't an option. It's a job involving 
seriously 'classified' material, so there's no way to work out of 

>  At the new place of work I asked nicely for a
>better monitor and when it was denied, I simply brought in my own computer
>and did all of my work on it, once they realised that they did not have the
>work on the company computers and that indeed my complaining went down and
>productivity up they finally conceded and got me a new computer with monitor
>(its not the best available but a definite improvement).

The folks at my work use apps i have on both platforms. But their one 
piece of self-authored, proprietary software is based on input from 
microsoft's bloated Word, rtf, etc, file formats, and my VPC isn't 
fast enough to do what I can do on the Compaq at work. It's the first 
time in years that I haven't used my own setup at work. I'm not 
thrilled about it, but there's nothing I can do at this point. It's a 
new gig, i'm an underpaid 'asset', on a typical probationary basis 
for the first 90 days. My work speaks for itself... I see a much 
nicer monitor, high-index lenses, and more money in the not too 
distant future...

>It may be
>financially tough to realise but if it is your occupation then *take care of
>yourself* !

I'll do more thinking on exactly that topic, thanks for the concern and advice.


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