[Ti] Re: satellite internet / DVB-S cards

Timothy J. Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Wed Apr 13 11:19:31 PDT 2005

...... Original Message .......
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:19:32 +0300 "Dr. Trevor J. Hutley" 
<hutley at geneva-link.ch> wrote:
>Anyone explored the satellite internet path ?

yes.  It was expensive ($60) a month, the customer service was TERRIBLE 
(long waits and hard to understand, often got conflicting info) and it was, 
in practice, not that much faster than dialup for regular web surfing.  A 
single file did download faster but a page like Amazon.com was painfully 

I cancelled before my 30 day trial and was only out the $200 to get the 
stuff installed.

This was DirecWay.  I absolutely suggest avoiding them.  How bad was it? I 
went back to 26.4 dialup (not even 53k!) after YEARS of having cable modem 
at our previous home.  Fortunately I have DSL at work.


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