[Ti] Re: EyeTV and 10.3.9 - OK

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Sun Apr 17 12:47:30 PDT 2005

At 23:15 -0400 15/4/05, Timothy Luoma wrote:
>On Apr 15, 2005, at 3:11 PM, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote:
>>Whereas in the early days, I said that EyeTV was functioning OK 
>>with 10.3.8, I have seen that about 70% of the time, EyeTV launches 
>>with the "Open Live TV Window" option greyed out.  I have to keep 
>>quitting and relaucnhing.  I have done this so many times, yet I 
>>still cannot identify what it is that finaly gives me the live TV. 
>>Definitely a problem.  Almost never seen it before 10.3.8.
>I've only used EyeTV with 10.3.8 but I've only seen that once. 
>Unplugging the unit (USB and Power) and then plugging back in (Power 
>then USB) fixed it.
>>Maybe it will be fixed on 10.3.9 ?  Are we expecting that any day now?
>It's out now

it must have come out as I was writing.... and EyeTV seems fine now.
Maybe it was 10.3.9, maybe it was the clean OS install that I did.
I had the feeling that it was software, not hardware related.


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