[Ti] 3GPP

Steve Martin steve at planomartins.com
Tue Apr 26 06:56:04 PDT 2005

If they are coming over Bluetooth, someone very close to you (30-50 
feet?) is doing it.  Figure out who they are and make them stop.  You 
could also turn off Bluetooth when you are in the area where you 
usually receive them.  I didn't know it was possible for someone to 
anonymously push a file to you over Bluetooth without you doing 
anything to pair to their device or manually accept it.

On Apr 26, 2005, at 8:36 AM, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote:

> On my Al-book (10.3.9, QT 652), I receive about one unsolicited 3GPP 
> movie per week, via Bluetooth.
Steve Martin
steve at planomartins.com

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