On Aug 16, 2005, at 6:37 PM, Michael Ramirez wrote: > Chris, thanks for the suggestion. I reverted back as per your > instructions, but I'm still having the same problems. I even > installed a fresh 10.4 on an external HD and still have the same > problem. My guesses are that Apple may have updated the firmware on > the card, I see this "Aug 10 22:59:42 Firestorm kernel[0]: > AirPortFirmware: start Sta f/w download" in the System Log, my > connection from the card to the antenna is faulty, or the card > itself has gone bad. The search continues. Will post if I find out > anything more. Gosh, I don't recall any firmware updates for the AirPort card itself, only for the basestation. It sort of sounds like a hardware problem if the original AirPort drivers didn't make any difference. Those old AirPort cards are just about impossible to come by anymore too, if you end up needing one. -- Chris