[Ti] Really, really old Mac OS 1 to 8 work - need translator [Off List]

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Thu Dec 8 07:22:34 PST 2005

This one looks exciting. The only problem is that you need a 128 Mac,  
Mac Plus or Mac SE that will run (I have two ’Fat Macs’ that won’t  
run - I am about to turn them into Aquariums). Then you have to make  
an image of the ROMs and install the image on your modern machine.


On 7-Dec-05, at 10:59 PM, Matt Covey wrote:

> You could run MacWrite/etc in Mini vMac - a miniature Macintosh  
> emulator (http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/) and then just save the  
> files to RTF/text/etc or copy and paste into AppleWorks/etc.
> Also, I still run WriteNow under Classic on 10.4.3

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